My first week back at ONU.

    When i got back to ONU to start my junior year, I was very excited to start as I missed all of my friends that I didn't see over the summer. I finally got to catch up with all of them to see ,what they did over the summer. A lot of them got internships and it was super interesting to see where they worked over the summer. I am also excited to get a clean slate on all of the stress that last year caused, as my GPA took a bit of a dip last year. With me living in a new location this year instead of my old one, I will be able to focus more on my academics and my overall health. I got to see all of my professors for my new classes, which seem very helpful to my major and my career. All of my professors also seem to really care about my success during the school year and everything I do in the future as well. I am very excited to see where this school year goes and am excited to see what I will learn about throughout the year. My weekly posts won't always be about ONU, but i will likely make the ONU posts a monthly thing so that I don't overload you with stuff about school.
