The Last Week of Classes at ONU

Finals Week is finally here, and it's going to be a busy one! We've got finals next week from all grades, so you'll want to get your studying done as soon as possible.Whether you have one big test or 6, finals week is always a stressful time for everyone, as for some people, this is there make or break moment. For me, I know I have 1 final where I'm very nervous for and have put the most time in preparing for. everyone will be very busy, but we all must remember that we will get a very nice winter break to help us have a nice refresh for next semester. I am very excited for my winter break and I hope that everyone has some some trips planned! This is officially my last ever blog post. It was nice writing for you all and hoped that I was worth the time to read. See you all in the future!


  1. The week leading up to finals is definitely one of the most stressful weeks of the semester. Trying to finish up semester long projects and study at the same time is no easy feat. I hope your finals go smooth and you go in feeling prepared. You got this!

  2. I cannot wait for winter break and the opportunity to make money. I also have 1 final that was me a little worried since it will be hard to study for. Regardless of how it ends up I learned a lot this semester and can't wait for next semester. It was an honor to be in class with you and good luck in the future.

  3. Hey Harry, really feeling the make or break aspect of your words, and would like to wish you good luck on that one final!


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